Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/154

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sciousness and allows him to retain the sense of "I" and "me." By the power of my Divine Mother all mortals (Jiva) possess the sense of "I" and "mine." She again reveals to the soul of one who is in Samadhi, that all living beings, nay, the whole universe, is but the manifestation of the Divine Energy. It is She who makes one reach the Brahmajnana, the highest knowledge of the Absolute, and She again makes another Her beloved devotee who surrenders himself to Her omnipotent Will. This truth is the great secret of all secrets. Therefore the Psalmist says: "Shall I disclose it in the Chator?" Vidyasagara asked his friend who was sitting near by: "Do you understand the meaning of Chator?" The friend replied: "I know that 'Chattara' means a courtyard within a house." Vidyasagara: Exactly. It may also mean a public market-place. So Rama Prasad does not want to make this secret known to the public.

Bhagavan with his smiling face spoke to Vidyasagara: "Oh, you are a Pandit, a great scholar, you must know all this." When I sing the praise of my Divine Mother I refer to the