Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/158

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devotee can see Him and can talk with Him just as I am talking with you. Absolute silence prevailed when the Blessed Lord spoke these words with fire and eloquence. Everyone's heart was moved by that divine love which was flowing with mighty force within the soul of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna. With a smiling face the Bhagavan said: You know all that I have told, but you do not realize how much you possess, in the same manner as Varuna, the Lord of the ocean, does not care to know how many beautiful and valuable jewels there are in His boundless treasury of the deep. Vidyasagara: Revered Sir, Thou canst say so. Bhagavan: Yes; do you not know that very often a millionaire Babu does not know even the names of his own attendants? He does not remember in what places his valuable things are kept. Everyone was listening to this interesting conversation when Bhagavan suddenly asked Vidyasagara: "Will you not come to the Temple garden? It is a beautiful place."

Vidyasagara: O yes; certainly. Thou hast been so kind as to come to me, shall I not return my visit to Thee?