Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/175

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Maya a man of the world becomes bound by The power of the Divine Mother. woman and gold. Again, through Her grace he becomes free. She breaks all fetters and takes Her children across the ocean of the world; and the Bhagavan sang in His divine voice:

The Divine Mother and the Liberated Soul

1. O Mother, Thou art flying the paper kite (of the human being) in the market-place of this world. It flies on the wind of hope, tied to the string of Maya.

2. Ribs, nerves and bones make up its frame, Of Thine own qualities hast Thou made the Kite, to display Thine art.

3. Thou hast rubbed the string with the Manja (paste with powdered glass) of worldliness, and it has become sharp. Among hundred thousand Kites one or two have their strings cut, and are freed; Then with a laugh Thou clappest Thy hands.

4. Prasad says, The Kite thus set free will fly swiftly on fair winds and drop beyond the

ocean of this world.