Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/192

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the day in distributing alms to the poor. When he went to the shrine, the door was closed and he could not see the Holy of Holies. The wise ones should first see the Holy Mother, by push- ing their way through the crowd assembled at the gate of the Temple, and after seeing Her, they may then turn their attention to alms- giving and other good works, if they so desire. " All good works are for the realization of God. Works are the means and God-vision is the end. Therefore I said to Shambhu: "Sup- God-vision the end of all per-formance of duty. pose you see God, or that God mani- fests Himself to you, will you say to Him: 'Lord, do Thou grant that I may have lots of dispensaries and hospitals, schools and colleges!'" A true devotee shall rather pray in this wise: "Grant, O good Lord, that I may have a niche in the Lotus of Thy Feet, that it may be my privilege to live always in Thy Holy Presence and that I may have deep and unalloyed devotion unto Thee." Karma Yoga is very difficult. It is difficult in this materialistic age (Kali-yuga) to get through Path of Bhakti Yoga best for this age. all works, all the duties laid upon us by the Sacred Books. Verily in this age, earthly life depends entirely upon material food. Works and duties, there is