Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/201

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meant that he was the same as the Highest Self, Brahman the Absolute, who is sometimes likened to Akasa (infinite space) because nothing can be predicated of It. A true philosopher has some right to say this. As for others, such a senti- ment is altogether out of place. But it is good for everyone to cherish the idea that he is free. "I am free," "I am free "; if a Thought of freedom brings freedom. man constantly says this, he is sure to be free. On the other hand, he who always thinks that he is in bond- age brings bondage on himself in the end. The weak-minded man who always says, "I am a sinner," "I am a sinner," is sure to have a fall. A man should rather say : "I repeat the Holy Name of God; how can there be any sin in me, or bondage of the world?" Then turning towards the disciple, the Bhaga- van said:

To-day my mind is not at ease. I hear from Hridai [1] that he has been ailing much. Is this

  1. Hridaya Mukerji was an old servant.of Sri Ramakrishna and .served Him for nearly thirty years in the Temple of Dakshineswara — till 1881. He was a remote nephew of Sri Ramakrishna. His birthplace was in the village of Siore, in the district of Hughly. He breathed his last towards the end of April, 1889. " Hridai" was a pet abbreviation of his name used by Sri Ramakrishna.