Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/265

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Harisabha,[1] the Bhagavan said: One can form Lectures and sermons of preachers. an estimate of a man from the lec- tures he delivers. A pandit was lectur- ing as the preceptor (Acharya) of a certain Harisabha. In the course of his sermon he said: "The Lord has not Rasa (sweetness). Let us make Him sweet by giving Him our love and devotion." By sweetness he meant love and tenderness. It reminded me of the story in which a boy was trying to convince his friends that his uncle Story of a boy and the cow-house. had a great man y horses by saying he had a whole cow-house full of horses. Of course any intelligent person could at once see that a cow-house was not the same as a stable and that horses are never kept in a cow-house. What would people think after hearing such absurd statements? They would laugh and come to the conclusion that the uncle had no horses at all. See how absurd it is to say that God is devoid of sweetness, God who is the Fountain-head of all sweet and tender qualities ! Then turning to Mozoomdar the Bhagavan said: You are an educated and intelligent man,

  1. Harisabha is an orthodox Hindu Society.