Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/277

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Keshab to abandon this "I." I also said to him: "You talk of your sect, many members of your sect have resigned." Keshab replied: Keshab and his disciples. "Revered Sir, after remaining for three years under my instructions, they have now joined another sect, and at the time of leaving, they criticised and slandered me." I said to him: "You do not understand the inner nature of your disciples. You must study their predominant traits and you must not make disciples indiscriminately." Ram Babu[1] : Bhagavan, I do not see what good has been done by the New Dispensation of Ke- shab Sen. If Keshab himself had realized God, the condition of his disciples and followers would have been different. In my opinion he has had no realization.

Sri Ramakrishna: Oh yes, he must have some realization; otherwise why should so many people honor and respect him? Why do they not honor and respect the leaders of other branches of the Brahmo-Samaj in the same

  1. Ram Babu was a devoted householder disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. He was a scientist and a teacher of chem- istry in the Medical College of Calcutta. He was a good speaker and a writer.