Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/286

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After remaining speechless in this state for some time, He came down and like a child said, "Give me a little water." This call for water was the usual sign of His return to the plane of sense-consciousness. Then He murmured: "0 Mother! The other day Thou didst show me Vidyasagara. Then I desired to see a Pandit and Thou hast brought me here." Turning to Sasadhar, the Bhagavan said: My son, add to your spiritual strength, goThe necessity of practice. through devotional exercises a little longer. You have hardly got up into the tree, how can you expect to lay your hand upon its fruit? But you are doing all this for the good of others. Saying this the Bhagavan bowed to Sasadhar and continued: When I first heard your name, I inquired whether this Pandit was merely an ordinary Pandit or one who had attained right discrimination (Vi-veka) and dispassion (Vairagya) . He is not a true Pandit who does not possess right discrimination. If there has been a commission (Adesha) from the Supreme, then there is no harm in teach- The Divinely- commissioned teacher. ing others. Such a Divinely-commis-sioned teacher is invincible. No one can defeat him. If one single ray from the Goddess of Wisdom falls upon a man,