Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/305

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the time is ripe. A child before going to sleep says to its mother: "Mamma dear, awaken me when I shall feel hungry." The mother replies: "Do not worry about that, my child; thy hunger will awaken thee." In the same manner one yearns after God when the proper time comes for it.

Physicians can be divided into three classes. First, those who, when called in, look at the Three classes of religious teachers. patient, feel his pulse, prescribe the necessary medicines and then ask the patient to take them. If the patient de- clines to do so, they do not care. This is the low- est class. Similarly there are spiritual teachers who do not care to know whether their instruc- tions have been practised or whether they have produced good results in their disciples. There are other physicians who not only ask the patient to take the prescribed drug but who reason with him if he refuses to take it. These belong to the medium class. Similarly those spiritual teachers who not only instruct their pupils but reason with them and gently persuade them to follow their teachings, are better than those of the first class. But the best physicians, who be- long to the highest class, use force on the patient if he does not listen to their gentle persuasions.