Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/318

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The Mother of the Universe, and the Ma- chine of the Human Body

1. What a fine machine of the human body hath the Divine Mother made! How wonderful are the sports She is playing through the machine only six feet long!

2. Dwelling within the machine, She holds in Her hand the string that sets it in motion; but the machine thinks: "I move by my own will," not knowing Who causes it to move.

3. The "machine" that has realized Her will not have to be born again. She Herself is tied in some machines by the string of Bhakti (love).


At the end of the song the Bhagavan was in Samadhi. His eyes were fixed and half -closed. His pulse and the heart -beat were suspended. Sense-consciousness had left Him, giving place to pure God-consciousness. Returning a little to the semiconscious state He talked to the

Holy Mother, saying: Do not trouble, O Mother!