Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/337

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Bhagavan: You have heard all about renun- ciation as I have taught it. Disciple: Yes, Bhagavan, I understand by- renunciation not only the absence of attach- ment to things of this world. It is non-attach- ment to things of this world plus something. That something is the love of God. Bhagavan: You are right. I am glad that you see this. God-vision cannot be made clear State of God-vision. to others. The state of things that comes about may, however, be de- scribed to a certain extent. You have no doubt been to the theatre to witness a dramatic performance. Before the performance com- mences, you must have noticed that the people are very busy talking to one another on a variety of subjects, — politics, household affairs, official business. But no sooner does the drop- curtain go up and mountains, cottages, rivers, men are presented to view than all noise ceases, all conversation ends and each individual spectator is all attention to the novel scene that is being enacted before him. Pretty much the same is the state of him who is blessed with God- vision. Disciple: Ecstatic love of God, as Thou hast said this day, is the string with which to bind