Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/339

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Sri Ramakrishna at the Sinti [1] Brahmo- Samaj


Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna had been asked to attend the anniversary meeting of the Brah-mo-Samaj, which that year was held in the beautiful garden-house of a gentleman named Veni Babu.[2] The morning service was over when the Bhagavan arrived in a carriage with certain of His disciples and took His place on a raised seat set apart for Him on the veranda overlooking a large quadrangle. Crowds of dev-otees, followers and members of the Brahmo- Samaj gathered round Him in a circle. The prayers, music and other exercises of a devo-

  1. Sinti, a village about four miles north of Calcutta.
  2. Veni Babu was a follower of the Brahmo-Samaj. He regarded Ramakrishna as the most Divine man of the age.