Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/348

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two horns on your head? No, it is because you are kind, charitable, learned and have many other qualities greater than in others. It is for this reason that your fame is so great. Do you not know men who alone can defeat a hundred men, and again a man who will run away from a single person?" If there be no difference in powers, why should people respect Keshab Chunder Sen so much? It is said in the Gita, he whom many people respect and honor either for his knowledge or for his musical gifts or for his oratorical powers or for any other reason, in him, be assured, there is a special manifestation of Divine power. A Brahmo devotee (to Sub-Judge) : Why do you not accept what he says? Sri Ramakrishna (to the Brahmo devotee) : What kind of man are you? Do you not know that it is hypocrisy to accept an opinion out- wardly without believing in it? Sub-Judge: Revered Sir, shall we have to re- nounce the world? Sri Ramakrishna: No. Why should you re- nounce? You can attain to God while living Worship God in solitude. in the world ; but at first for a few days you will have to live in solitude and worship Him alone. It is necessary to