Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/372

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great or small? Why is it necessary for us to know all His attributes ? It is enough if we can see Him and realize Him. Moreover, he who has seen His Divine Incarnation has seen God. Suppose a man goes to the banks of the holy river Ganges and touches the water. He will say: "I have seen and touched the holy river." It will not be necessary for him to touch the whole river from its source to its mouth. If I touch your feet, then I have touched you. If you go to the ocean and touch the water, you have touched the whole ocean. As fire is all- pervading but is more manifest in burning wood, so God, although He is all-pervading, is more manifest in His Incarnation. Girish (smiling): I, for my part, am searching after fire. I am eagerly looking for the place where I shall find it.

Ramakrishna (smiling): The element fire is more manifest in the wood. If you seek the Seek God in Man. Divine element, you must seek it in man, for Divinity is more manifest in a human being than elsewhere. Again, if you see a man who is overflowing with Divine Love, who is mad after God, who is intoxicated by the wine of Divine Love, in that man you must know, I assure you, that the Lord has