Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/381

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wise, O Mother, that Thy child, bewitched by the fascinations of Thy enchanting powers (Maya) may not forget Thee; yes, forget Thee, entangled in the charming net of Samsara that Thou hast woven. O, grant that he may never be charmed into loving these! O Good Mother, seest Thou not that Thy child hath none else in the world but Thee? I know not how to chant Thy Name out of deep devotion. Devoid am I of knowledge that leadeth to Thee — devoid of genuine love (Bhakti) for Thee! O, vouchsafe unto me that love out of Thine Infinite Mercy! This evening prayer — was it called for in the case of this God-Man, for Him who chanted the Name of the Lord day and night, for Him out of whose hallowed mouth there flowed a never- ceasing stream of prayers unto the Most High? Was it then that the Master observed these forms in order to teach mankind how to live and pray?


Girish had invited Sri Ramakrishna to his house. He must come that very night. The Bhagavan said to him: Do you not think it will be too late ? Girish: No, Revered Sir; Thou shalt come away as early as Thou pleasest.