Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/385

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Bhagavan (to Nitya): Well! and why did you not go there ? Nitya: Revered Sir, I was unable to go to Dakshineswara. I was out of sorts. There were pains all over my body. Bhagavan: Are you keeping well now ? Nitya: Not very well, I am sorry to say. Bhagavan: You would better remain one or two notes below the highest in the scale. Nitya: Company does not suit me. They say all manner of things of me. That puts me into a fright. At times I am quite free from fear and I feel the spirit within me. Bhagavan: That is only natural. Who is your constant companion ? Nitya: Tarak. At times he does not suit the state of my mind. Bhagavan: Nangta [1] (Tot a Puri) used to say

    the order. Occasionally he used to come to Sri Rama- krishna to pay his respects and regarded Him as the Incarna- tion of Krishna.

  1. Nangta was the name by which Sri Ramakrishna called his spiritual teacher in the Advaita Vedanta. The word literally means, "One who does not cover his body with any clothes." Tota Puri was his real name. He was a Sannyasin monk of Sankara's school and was a great Vedanta scholar. He reached the highest state of Nirvikalpa Samddhi