Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/397

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or any person in this state. Narendra was seated before Him, but apparently He did not see him. He had lost all sense of time and place. The mind, the heart and the soul had all become absorbed in God. Suddenly He stood up, saying: "Deep drunk with the wine of Divine Love, with love for Gour (God-Incar- nate)." A few moments after He took His seat and said: "Yonder is a light coming this way, but I cannot even now say from which way the light comes." It was then that Naren- dra began to sing:


1. O Lord! Thou hast blessed me with Thy vision and Thou hast driven all my troubles away. A charm Thou hast thrown over my soul.

2. Beholding Thee as the Reality, the seven worlds have forgotten their grief! Not to speak of my poor self, so worthy of Thy pity and Thy loving-kindness!

Listening to the song the Bhagavan had once more lost all consciousness of the outer world. His eyes were closed. His body and limbs moved not He was in deep Samddhi. When