Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/407

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In each heart surely Thy Presence has entered; All that is Thou art, all in all Thou art.

Either in men or angels triumphant, either in Hindu or Mussulman Thou art! Thy holy will has made everything like Thee; All that is Thou art, all in all Thou art.

Whether Mohammedan temples or Hindu, Perfectly pure has Thy touch made each part. All heads before Thee have bowed in devotion; All that is Thou art, all in all Thou art.

From the high heavens to earth spread before us, From the vast earth to the heavens Thou art, Wherever I look to my sight Thou appearest ; All that is Thou art, all in all Thou art.

Thinking and pondering I have seen clearly, Searching I have found not another as Thou art;

Now in the mind of the poet has come that, All that is Thou art, all in all Thou art.

In the midst of the songs Sri Ramakrishna had come to Himself again. The music was hushed. Then followed conversation with the Bhagavan,