Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/411

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Then he said: "O Mother! Let me see Brahman about whom there is so much in the Vedas" The child Incarnate thereupon said: "O father if thou wishest to see the Absolute Brahman thou must associate with the holy sages who have renounced everything. What the Abso- lute Brahman is cannot be expressed in words." The Tantra has well said: "All things with the sole exception of God the Absolute, have be- come defiled like leavings of food." The idea is that the Sacred Scriptures of the world having been read and recited with the aid of the tongue have got defiled like food thrown out of the mouth. The Absolute Brahman, however, no one has ever been able to describe by word of mouth. Therefore it is said that the Absolute is not defiled by the mouth. Again, who can express in words the blissful joy that one ex- periences in the company of the Lord and in communion with the Absolute Sat-Chit- Ananda. He alone knows who has been blessed with such realization. Addressing the doctor, Sri Ramakrishna con- tinued: True knowledge does not come until egotism is entirely gone. "When shall I be free?" When "I" shall cease to be. The sense of "I" and "mine" is