Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/416

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them or not. They do not seek the favor of rich people. Syam Babu: Well, Sir, what is the difference between the gross body and the subtle body? Sri Ramakrishna: This physical body made of gross elements is called the gross body. Ma-nas (mind), the Buddhi (intellect), Ahamkara (egoism) and Chitta, all these are in the subtle body. The inner body which feels the joy of the Lord and Divine ecstasy is called Karana Sarira (causal body). The Tantras call it Bhagavat-Tanu, or the body derived from the Divine Mother. Beyond these is the Maha-karana, the first Great Cause. It is the fourth state. It cannot be expressed by words.

What is the use of hearing all this ? Practise and you will know. You repeat the words The impor-tance of practice. "Siddhi, Siddhi" (hemp-leaves). Will that make you drunk ? No, you must swallow some. There are threads of various numbers, No. 40, No. 41, and so on; but you do not know one number from another unless you are in the trade. It is by no means hard for those in the trade to know a particular number from that of another number. That being so, I say, practise a little. That done, it will be easy for you to have correct ideas as to