Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/429

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behold, the embodiment of Divine Love! " And after a few minutes, as if catching a glimpse of the Absolute Brahman in Ramakrishna, he exclaimed:" Infinite Existence , Intelligence and Love, beyond Unity and Diversity!" After remaining in this state for a long time, Bhagavan Ramakrishna came down once more Avatara. on the human plane and said: God incarnates Himself in a human form. It is true that He dwells everywhere, in all living creatures, but the desires of the human soul cannot be fulfilled except by an Avatara or Divine Incarnation. The human being longs to see Him, touch Him, be with Him and enjoy His Divine company. In order to fulfill such desires, the Incarnation of God is necessary. When an Avatara or Divine Incarnation de- scends, however, the people at large do not know it. It is known only to a few chosen dis- ciples. Can everyone comprehend the indi-visible Absolute Brahman, Existence-Intelli-gence-Bliss Absolute?

When the Supreme Lord incarnated Himself as Rama, only twelve sages knew it. The other saints and sages knew Him as the Rama. prince of the Raja Dasaratha. But those twelve sages prayed to Him, saying: "0