Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/43

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that fell from His hallowed lips. With a smiling face Srî Râmakrishna was speaking to them of the power of the Lord's Holy Name and true Bhakti as the means of attaining God-vision. Addressing Bijoy,[1] He asked: What do you say is the means of attaining to God?

Bijoy: Bhagavan, by the repetition of His Holy Name. In this age the Holy Name of the Lord has saving powers.

Bhagavân: Yes, the Holy Name has saving powers, but there must me earnest longing withPower of the Lord's Holy Name. it. Without earnest longing of the heart no one can see God by mere repetition of His Name. One may repeat His Name, but if one's mind be attached to lust and wealth, that will not help much. When a man is bitten by a scorpion or a tarantula, mere repetition of a mantram will not do; a special remedy is necessary.

Bijoy: If that be the case, Bhagavân, then how did Ajâmila,[2] who was the greatest of

  1. Bijoy was the first name of Bijoy Krishna Goswami, the celebrated preacher, lecturer, writer and spiritual teacher (Âchârya) of the Brahmo Samâj in Calcutta.
  2. Ajâmila was the name of a sinner who received salvation by repeating the name of the Lord (which was also the name