Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/446

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Badge of authority 269

Become one with all 345

Bhakta's attitude 147

Bhakti and Jnana 201

Bhakti Yoga 272

Bigotry is not right 27

Bliss comes in meditation 190

Body and Atman 219

Body result of past actions 186

Book knowledge and realization 82

Book learning 116

Book-learned Pandits like vultures 104

Bound souls 45

Brahman and Sakti are one 132

Brahman impersonal and personal 132

Brahman indescribable 106

Brahman is Silence 109

Brahman untouched by good and evil 105

Calculating intellect 394

Cast all care on God 314

Character and associations 198

Company of the wicked 42

Compassion and attachment 252

Concentration 275

Concentration and meditation 48

Creation of the world 153

Cure of His illness 419

Danger of psychic powers 320

Days of struggle 207

Degrees of knowledge 303

Delusive power of Maya 157, 259