Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/45

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but at the same time pray to Him that you may have true love and devotion for Him, and that your love for wealth, fame and the pleasures of the body may decrease because they are transitory, they last only until to-morrow.

When there is true devotion and love, one can reach God by any of the sectarian religions. All religions lead to God. The Vaishnavas, the worshippers of Krishna, will attain God in the same way as the Sâktas, the worshippers of the Divine Mother, or the followers of Vedanta, Those who belong to the Brâhmo-Samâj,[1] the Mahometans and Christians, will also realize God through their respective religions. If you follow any of these paths with intense devotion, you will reach Him. If there be any mistake in the path chosen, He will correct the mistake in the long run. The man who wishes to see Jagannâth[2] may go towards the South instead of

  1. Brâhmo Samâj is the name of the Hindu Unitarian church founded by Râjâ Râmmohun Roy in 1830 a.d. It has now various branches in India. The original organization is now known as the Âdi Samâj Keshab Chunder Sen was the founder of the sect called "New Dispensation," while Shivanâth Sâstri was the founder of the Sâdharan Brâhmo Samâj.
  2. Jagannâth literally means the "Lord of the Universe." There is a great Temple at Puri in India where the Car festival