Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/54

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Mahendra: Indeed! Is He now going through the evening service? May we go in? Will you kindly tell Him of our anxiety to see Him?

Brindâ: Why, you may go in, my children. Go in and take your seats before Him.

Thereupon they entered the room. No other people were there. Bhagavân Srî Râmakrishna was alone, seated as in the afternoon on the platform beside His bed. Incense was burning and the doors were closed. Mahendra saluted the Bhagavân with folded hands. A mat was pointed out on the floor. At His word Mahendra and his friend took their seats upon it. The Bhagavân asked him: What is your name? Where do you live? What are you? What has brought you to Barâhanagore?[1]

Mahendra answered each of these questions, but he noticed that in the course of the conversation Srî Râmakrishna's mind was fixed upon some other object, on which He was meditating. He was only half-conscious of the physical plane and His attitude resembled that of a man quietly seated rod in hand, intent on catching fish. When the float trembles and the fish bites, the man eagerly looks at the float,

  1. Barâhanagore is a suburb of Calcutta.