Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/59

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as he came nearer. The driver (Mâhoot) kept on shouting: "Get out of the way !" but the disciple would not move, until he was snatched up by the mad elephant and dashed to one side. The poor boy, bruised and bleeding, lay on the ground unconscious. The sage, hearing of the accident, came with his other disciples to carry him home. When after some time the unfortunate pupil recovered consciousness, he described what had happened. The sage replied: My boy, it is true that God is manifest in everything. But if He is in the elephant, is He not equally manifest in the driver (Mâhoot) ? Tell me why you did not pay heed to the warning of the driver?

The Bhagavân continued: In the sacred Scriptures it is written, "God dwells in water"; but some water can be used for divine service, God in everything. or for drinking purposes, some for bathing or washing, while dirty water cannot be touched even. In the same manner, although God resides in all human beings, still there are good men and bad men, there are lovers of God and those who do not love God. We should recognize Divinity in all, but we should not mix with bad people or with those who do not love God. Our relation with