Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/72

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Sun. If the cloud is dispersed by the mercy of a Guru, or spiritual master, the glory of the Infinite becomes visible. When Rama, the Divine Incarnation in a human form, was walking in the forest, Lakshmana (the individual soul), who was at a short distance, could not see Him because Sita or Maya, or the sense of "I," was vStanding between. Look at me. I cover my face with this handkerchief and you cannot see me; still my face is there. So God is the nearest of all, but because of the sense of "I" you do not see Him. The soul in its true nature is absolute Existence, Intelligence and Bliss, but on account of Maya or the sense of "I, " it has forgotten its real Self and has become entangled in the meshes of the various limitations of mind and body. Each attribute limits the soul and modifies its nature. He who dresses smartly will naturally sing love-songs, play cards and carry a cane, and such things will appeal to him. If you have a pencil in your hand, you will unconsciously scribble on anything; such is the Money is power. power of the pencil. Money has great power. When a man becomes wealthy his nature is entirely changed. He is a different being. A poor Brahmin, for in-