Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/92

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must call Krishna whenever thou art frightened." "Who is Krishna, mother?" the boy asked. The mother answered: "Krishna is thy brother." After that when Jatila was passing Power of true faith and true longing. through the woods alone and felt frightened, he called aloud, "Brother Krishna!" When no one came, he cried again: "O Brother Krishna, where art thou? Come to me and protect me; I am frightened." Hearing the call of this faithful child, Krishna could no longer remain away. He appeared in the form of a young boy and said: "Here am I, thy brother! Why art thou frightened? Come with me, I will take thee to school." Then having escorted him to school, Lord Krishna said to him: "I will come to thee whenever thou callest me; do not be afraid." Such is the power of true faith and true longing. You can see God if your love for Him be as strong as the strength of these three attachments How to love God. put together: namely, the attachment of a miser to his wealth, that of a mother to her new-born child, and that of a chaste wife to her husband. To see God one must love Him with the whole heart and soul. One must make one's prayers