Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/95

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tions; even one's own body, which is so dear to one, is easily forgotten. In ecstasy, when the breathing stops, the whole mind remains absolutely fixed upon the Supreme. All nerve currents run upward with tremendous force and the result is Samadhi or God-consciousness. Those who are mere scholars (Pandits) and have not attained Divine Love, confound the minds of others. Some people are proud of their wealth, their fame and social position, but these Pride. things are transitory. None can take them away after death. It is not good to be proud of wealth. You may say, "I am wealthy," but then there are millionaires, multimillionaires, and so on. In the evening fireflies think that they are lighting the world; but when the stars begin to shine, their pride is subdued. The stars in turn think that they are lighting the world, but when the moon shines, the stars are put to shame. The moon, too, believes that her light illumines everything ; but lo ! the dawn appears and the rising sun effaces the light of the moon. If wealthy people thought of these things, they would no longer be proud of their wealth. A householder": Revered Sir, we are house-