Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/98

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Ramakrishna : It is very difficult for a house- holder to practise devotion. There are many obstacles. You all know them very well, — disease, sorrow, poverty, disharmony with the wife, disobedience and evil tendencies in the children; but there is a way out of it. One should occasionally live in solitude and pray and struggle hard to attain to God. A householder: Revered Sir, is it necessary to leave one`s home? Ramakrishna : Not for good ; but occasionally when you find opportunity, for a day or two, leaving behind responsibility, care and anxiety. But during this time you should not mix with worldly people or think of worldly affairs. Either live alone, or in the company of some saint or holy man. Householder: Revered Sir, how can we know or recognize a saint? Ramakrishna : He is a saint whose heart, soul, and inner nature have turned towards God; How to recognize a saint. he who has renounced woman and wealth. A saint does not look at women with the eye of desire; if he comes near a woman, he sees the Divine Mother in her and worships her. His thoughts are always on God and his words are of Him. He sees God every-