Page:The Gradual Acceptance of the Copernican Theory of the Universe.djvu/139

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Owen, John: The Skeptics of the Italian Renaissance. 2nd edit. New York, 1893.

Peignot, G.: Dictionnaire Critique Littéraire et Bibliographique des Principaux Livres Condamnés au Feu, Supprimés on Censurés. 2 vol. Paris, 1806.

Putnam, George Haven: The Censorship of the Church of Rome. 2 vol. New York, 1907.

Rashdall, Hastings: Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages. 2 vol. Oxford, 1895.

Smith, David Eugene: Rara Arithmetica. Boston, 1908.

Snyder, Carl: The World Machine: The Cosmic Mechanism. London, 1907.

Stephen, Leslie: History of English Thought in the 18th Century. 2 vol. 3rd edit. New York, 1902.

Taylor, Henry Osborne: The Mediæval Mind.' 2nd edit. London, 1914.

Walsh, J. J.: Catholic Churchmen in Science. 2nd series. Philadelphia, 1909.

————: The Popes and Science. Knights of Columbus edit. New York, 1911.

Wegg-Prosser, F. R.: Galileo and his Judges. London. 1889.

Whewell, William: History of the Inductive Sciences from the Earliest to the Present Time. New edit, revised. 3 vol. London, 1847.

White, Andrew D.: History of the Welfare of Science with Theology in Christendom. 2 vol. New York, 1898.

Windle, B. C. A.: A Century of Scientific Thought and Other Essays. London, 1915.

Young, Charles: Manual of Astronomy. Boston, 1902.


Special Works.

Allaben, Frank: John Watts de Peyster. 2 vol. New York, 1908 ————: see De Peyster.
Anon: Galileo—The Roman Inquisition: A Defence of the Catholic Church from the Charge of having persecuted