Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 10.djvu/321

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Boundary Line.



��Civil Engineer Nelson Spofford, of Haverhill, boundary line surveyor on the part of Massachusetts in the pres- ent controversy with New Hampshire, is in receipt of valuable and important copies of maps and other documents relative to this subject from the Pub- lic Records office of England.

As long ago as 1883 Mr. Spofford made inquiries of Minister Lowell as to the necessary proceedings in order to ascertain what documents might be found on record relative to the settlement of the boundary li)ie con- troversy in 1741. In reply. Minister Lowell directed him to Mr. B. F. Stevens, of London, as a person eve- ry way qualified to render any assist- ance that might be necessary. Conse- quently Mr. Stevens was employed to search the records, and he forwarded to Mr. Spofford a list of twenty-five documents and maps relating to this subject, with the cost of copying ; and here the matter rested until the Boun- darv Line Commission was organized, in 1885, when Mr. Spofford was di- rected to order copies of such docu- ments as might appear to be of the most importance, but owing to delays from various causes these documents have been but recently received.

The list embraces some three hun- dred pages foolscap of closely writ- ten matter, and copies of three maps. Among the documents appear the

following :

No. I.

Public Record Office of England.

Colonial Correspondence Bd. of Trade Xew England.

Oreder of the King in Coinicil. 9 April 1740

��Indorsed, New England, Massachusetts Bay New Hampshire Order of Coun- cil dated April 9th 1740 direct- ing the Board to prepare an In- struction to the Governor of the Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire for settling the Bounds of these Provinces pur- suant to a report of the Comnut- tee of Council.

At the Court of St. James

the 9th. April 1740 Present The Kings most Excellant Majesty in Council

Whereas : His Majesty was this day pleased by his order in Council, to signi- fy his approbation of a Rej)ort made by the Lords of the Comnuttee in Council upon the respective Appeales of the Prov- inces of the Massachusetts Bay and New- Hampshire for the Determination of the Commissioners — appointed to settle the Boundarys between the said Provinces, and to direct in what manner the said Boundarys should be settled, and also to require the Governor and the respective Councils and Assemblys of the said Prov- inces to take especial care to carry His Majestys commands thereby signified into due execution as by a copy of the said Order hereto annexed, may more fully appear. And His ]\Iajesty being de- sirous to remove all further pretence for continuing the Disputes which have sub- sisted for many years between the said Provinces on Account of the said Boun- darys, and to prevent any delay in ascer- taining the Boundary pursuant to the said order in Council, Doth Hereby Or- der that the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations do prepare the Draught of such an instruction as they shall conceive proper to be sent to the Governor of those Provinces, for enforc- ing the due execution of the said order and requiring him in the strongest terms

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