Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/112

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Laighton's deed to Major Waldron is endorsed : "Tho. layton his Bill o sayell to capt. walldern." It is as follows : —

" Bee it knowne unto all men by theffe psents that I Thomas Laighton of Douer Planter have bargained o fould unto Rich'^ Waldron of the fame tovvne all that my quarter grant of the saw mill now erected o built at Bellamys banke with all my parte of the logges cutt o beinge for the use oi the mill with all my right in any graunt given by the Towne of Douer for accomodation of tember for the use of the said mill, with all the Iron worke belonginge to my quarter part o likewise all other priviledges 3 Imunities belonginge to my part to haue o to hould the fame for ever, likewise I doe bind my felfe my heirs executors adminifstrators o aftignes to maintaine the fame against any that may or cann lay claime to the fame unto the faid Rich Waldron his heires executors administrators o assignes for ever, In confideration of the premifes I the f' Ric*^ Waldron doe bind my felfe my heires o afsignes to pay unto the faid Thomas Laighton or his assignes the sum of fixty pounds in Home cattle or English goods within two yeares of the date hereof In witnefse whereof both parties have to thefse presents fett theire hands and feales the eight day of Aprill one Thoufsand fixe hundred fifty o three.

��Thomas his Richaj'd waldron L S

��Laighton L S


��Beinge prefsent att the fealing d delivery

zvilliam Pomfrett Thaddeus Riddan.""

Thomas Beard conveys his quarter interest, 6th December, 1654. William Follet, of Oyster River (Durham), "within the township of Douer in the Massachusetts Colony of New England " conveys his part of " the saw mill- work situate upon the Riuer of Bellimaes' Banke," at a somewhat later date. Peter Coffin and Philip Locke are witnesses. Follet's wife, Elizabeth, does not sign the deed, but releases dower by appearing in open court and joining in the acknowledgment, as follows : —

"wm ffollet came into County Court held in Douer ye 29th of June 1675 & owned this Instrum' to be his free act & deede & Elizabeth his wife at ye same in open Court rendred up her thirds & right of Dowry in the premises.

Elias Stilcinan Cleric.

•' Seasure and possotion was given by william follet of the Land within specified by twig and turfe and also an Iron doge deliuered in behalfe of the quarter part of the mill within specified this Twentieth day of Aprill 1672 In the presense of us

witness John Gerrish Tho: Young.

The next deed is that of Philip Lewis. This instrument deserves to be given at large, not only for the very unusual deference paid to Mrs. Lewis in |-he language of its opening clause, but for the ingenious spelling that char- acterizes the entire document : —

Thes presents wittness that I phillip Lewes w* the consent of my wife in consideration of threescore pounds already fully & wholy reseued of Richard Waldern of Douer & for other good causes «!i: considerations hereunto moving

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