Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/257

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Chief Justice Allen on the ist of February, 1877, Mr. Harris was appointed chief justice of the supreme court and chancellor of the kingdom.

During the reign of Kamehameha V, he was likewise continually a member of the board of education and board of immigration. On the nth of October, 1S70, he received the decoration o( Knight, Grand Cross of the Order of Queen Isabella the Catholic, from the Spanish government. On the 29th of August, 1 87 1, he received from the Austrian government the decora- tion of Knight, Commander Cross, with Star of the Order of Francis Joseph. On the 9th of Octpber, 1875, he was appointed by His Majesty Kalakana Knight, Grand Cross of the Order of Kamehameha I ; and on the i ith of November, of the same year, was appointed to the same grade in the Order of Kalakana. which Order His Majesty had constituted in commemoration of his election by the legislature as king.



IN accordance with a time-honored and much cherished custom, the Saint Andrew's Society of Washmgton, assembles annually, on the evening of the 30th of November, to celebrate the festival of St. Andrew, the Patron Saint of "Scodand. This anniversary has, with few exceptions, been regularly com- memorated by the Society since its organization. The meetings have uniformly been characterized by good cheer and fraternal greetings, and have proved profitable as well as agreeable reunions of the Sons of Auld Scotia, whose homes are in this beautiful Capital of our nation. Thus are revived recollec- tions of old friendships, while new ones are created and cemented ; and thus, too, above all, is kept alive and strengthened our love for both our native land and our adopted country, while to us of Scotch lineage only, is renewed and refreshed our interest in our ancestral home.

After a thorough research of authorities for information relating to the event- ful life and exalted character of so distinguished a personage as St. Andrew, I have to regret the limited record concerning him. The commemoration of the anniversary of the Aposde's death, as a national holiday and festival, by the Scottish people, was no doubt first observed by them in the year 359, and from that time to the present it has been generally celebrated in Scotland as the great religious and social festival of the nation. And on this their gala-day, the 30th of November, Scotchmen wherever congregated revive the memories of the past, and with appropriate festivities celebrate this time- honored anniversary.

Upon what appears to be equally reliable authority, St. Andrew was admitted into the Masonic Calendar, on the 30th of November, 1737, when his anniver- sary was adopted by the fraternity as an annual festival also, and that day is now everywhere recognized by the brethren of the mystic tie. There are some who contend that the festival of St. Andrew was placed at the head of the holi- days beginning at Advent, from the circumstance of his having been the first who found the Saviour, as well as the first who brought others to Him. In the Book of Common Prayer, are the Collect, Epistle and Gospel appointed by the church specially for St. Andrew's day. In the niches of the ecclesiastical year devoted to eminent saints, this Aposde has a prominent place. For centuries all who kept Saint's days have publicly assembled to celebrate his name and work.

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