Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 5.djvu/354

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��Eefutation of Aspersions; P. R. Free- man, 1816.

Charter of Dartmouth College, 1816.

Memorial by Tiustees to New Hamp- sliire Legishiture, 1816.

Dialogue between a General, a Judge, and a Doctor. 1816.

Docs. rel. to Dartmouth College, Pub- lished by order Legislature, 1816.

S. C. Allen, Eulogy on J. Wheelock, 1817.

Daniel Dana, Address P. B. K. Society, 1817.

Address to the Public, by President Brown, 1818.

Sacred Oi'atorio. performed by Handel Society, 1818.

C. Perkius. Eulogj' onW. II. Woodward, 1818.

C. L. Folsom. Oratioji to Handel Soci- ety, 1820.

The Case of Dartmouth College, by T.

Farrar, pp. 406. 1819. S. L. Knapp, Oration, and X. H. Carter,

Poem, before P. B. K. Society, 1824.

D. Oliver, Inaugural Address, 1825.

C. B. Hadduck, P. B. K. Oration. 1825. Dartmouth College and State of New

Ilamjishire (reprint from States- man &c.), 1829.

Nathan Lord. Inaugural. 1828.

Reports of Convention at Windsor on Navigation Connecticut River, 1830.

D. Oliver, Address on Temperance, 1832. Geo. Ivptit. P. B. K. Oration. 1832. Daniel Dana. Oration to Aliunni, 1833. Jarvis Gregg. Eulogy on Lafayette,


PI. Wood. Sermon. 1835.

Benj. Hale, Vale'dictory Letter, 1835.

Prof. Flale and Dartmouth (.Jollege, 1835.

Remarks on last named pamphlet, 1835.

M. B. Pierce, Condition of the Indians, 1838.

R. W. Emerson, Oration Literary Soci- eties, 1838.

E. A. Park, Oration Theological Soci- ety, 1839.

N. Lord, Eulogy on Prof. Peabody, 1839. Creed and Catalogue Congi'egational

Church. 1839. A. H. Everett, Address to Literary

Societies, 1839. S. G. Brown, Inaugural. 1840. Taylor Lewis, Address P. B. K. Societj^,

1841. J. B. Condit. Address to Literary Socie- ties, ]841. C. B. Haddock, Eulogy on Prestident

Harrison, 1841. Northern Academy of Arts and Sciences,

1st Report, 1842. Northern Academy of Arts and Sciences,

2d Report. 1843. O. A. Brownson, Oration, Gamma

Sigma Secret Society, 1843.

��Hanover Engine Company. By-Laws,

1843. A. P. Peabody. Address to Literary

Societies, 1843. A. Crosby "Quintus," Conservatives and

Reformers, 1843. R. B. Kimball, Address to Literary

Societies, 1844. J. K. Lord. Address to Gamma Sigma

Society, 1844. Levi Woodbury, Address to P. B. K.

Society, 1844. L. Bacon, Address to P. B. K. Society,

1845. J. Parker, Address to P. B. K. Society,

1846. H. Wilkes. Address to Theological

Society, 1847. N. Lord. Sermon on the Jews, 1848. N. Lord, Eulogy on J. Q. Adams, 1848. Sermon (at Norwich), fimeral of Col.

Ransom, 1848.

C. B. Haddock, Address Agricultural Society. 1849.

N. Lord, Sermon. 1850.

J. J. Gilchrist. Address P. B. K. Society,

1851. N. Lord, Eulogy on S. Chase, 1851.

D. Lancaster, Eulogy on T. R. Mack, 1851.

S. G. Brown, Eulogy on H. Clay, 1852. J. Richards. Sermon on Gambling, 1852. N. Lord. Letter to Prof. Dana, on Parks's

Theology, 1852. R. Choate, Eulogy on D. Webster, 1853. N. Lord, Eulogy on Abiel Chandler,

1852. N. Lord, Thanksgiving Sermon. 1853. N. Lord, on the Millennium, 1853. N. Lord, Ist Letter on Slavery. 1854. N. Lord, 2nd Letter on Slavery, 1855. N. Lord, Sermon on Improvement, 1854. D. Crosby, Report on Malpractice Case,

1854. O. P. Hubbard, Trap Dykes in New

Hampshire, 1854. S. G. Brown, Address to Alamni, 1855. Creed and Catalogue, Congregational

Church, 1855. D. Crosby, Foreign Bodies in the Knee

Joint, 1856. N. Lord, Report to Trustees on Prizes,

1857. N. Lord, Thanksgiving Sermon, 1857. Constitution Social Friends, 1857. J. Q. Bittinger, Eulogy on E. Hardy.

1857. C. H. Boyd, Eulogy on W. H. Ililliard,

1858. N. Lord, Baccalaureate Sermon, 1858. N. Lord, Letter on Slavery, to Conrad,

1859. N. Lord. Eulogj"- on I. Young, 1859. N. Lord, Eulogy on J. Richards, 1859. C. Long. Sermon, 1859. Bridge Documents, 1859,

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