Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 7.djvu/265

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i884-l Song of the Winds. 247


All changed from peace to wra'Ji

Wheti stern Archangel came And drove that pair from garden path,

With sword of lambent flame. Our wings grew strong and broad,

Our anger burst on high. We tore huge trees, — we dashed along,

Our shadows gloomed the sky.


Our home, the boundless air

Or Ocean's surging breast, — We meet the lightnings' lurid glare,

Or hang on rainbow's crest ; At touch, the forests bow.

The lake uplifts its voice, The long grass hums its anthem low,

And ocean waves rejoice.


Our flocks, the drifting clouds

That sweep across the plain. Like vessels seen, with netted shrouds,

At rest upon the main. We laugh to see them spread

With darkened fleece, afar, — While thunders mutter, overhead,

Like trumpet notes of war.


We scorn the pride of man,

With us he dare not cope. Build vessel strong as e'er he can,

We shiver mast and rope. Too long we tarry now —

Away, — with speed, away, More than a thousand miles we go,

To sink a ship to-day.

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