Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 7.djvu/274

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��The Boston Young Men's Christian Association.


��duction to city life is to a young man, and what is his coining to the city with- out it. He is no stranger now. He has found comfort, companionship, sympathy, occupation. His heart goes home indeed, but it is in thankful- ness that he writes and describes his surroundings, and glad is he at the close of the evening to join with others in prayer and thanksgiving to his mother's God, for the blessings of the Asso- ciation ; and later, in the quiet of his own room, he renews his thanks, sleeps peacefully, and, full of hope, takes hold of work in the morning. He is direct- ed to the church of his choice and is introduced to the pastor. Thus, at the very first, he is surrounded by good influences in a city where thousands are on the watch with every allurement to tempt just such strangers to destruc- tion of both soul and body. Should

John be ready, in his turn, to help

others, work enough can be found for him in one of the several departments of social or spiritual life.

Should he fall sick, a committee of the Association visit and care for him, and, if necessary^ watch with him. There have been many cases where young men have been carefully tended during a long illness, and a few where even the funeral expenses have been borne by the Association, and even burial given to the body in the Associ- ation lot at Forest Hills Cemetery. This is no fancy sketch. Many, many actual Johns are here pictured, and many souls will, by-and-by, be found thanking God that he put it into the hearts of his servants to establish the Young Men's Christian Association.

But whence this well-appointed build- ing? Within the first year of its life, a building fund was projected, and, as far as we know, this was absolutely the first

��step in this direction taken by any Association, either in this country or elsewhere. A library fund was also started at the same time.

��A few subscriptions towards

� � �a building were obtained,

� � �which, in 1858, amounted

� � �to


� �In 1859-60 were added


� �In 1873 (for altering and

� � �furnishing).


� �In 1873-74,


� �In 1874-75.


� �In 1882, the estate of Daniel

� � �P. Stone gave


� �Inspired by this, a meeting

� � �of citizens was held at the

� � �Brunswick, where com-

� � �mittees on finance and

� � �building were appointed.

� � �and the result was a sub-

� � �scription of



�By will have been bequeathed .

� � �By Charles H. Cook,


� �„ Miss Nabby Joy,


� �„ J. Sullivan Warren,


� �„ Dr. George E. Hatton,



�And by subscriptio7ts in con-

� � �nection with Fairs :

� � �1859 — Chinese Fair,


� �1873 — Bazaar of Nations,




We have mentioned " Fairs." These have been three in number ; each being held in the Music Hall, and owed their success, not only to the energy of the young men, but to the hearty sympathy and untiring exertions of the ladies of the Boston churches.

The first was held in 1858, and netted ^,650 The second was called the Chinese Fair, all the decorations being Chi- nese, — a pagoda reaching fifty-six feet to the very height of the hall, which netted 33,000

The third was the most elaborate — the Bazaar of the Nations ; the Music Hall being made to represent a street of foreign houses, where, by persons in costume, the goods of the differ- ent nations were sold. It came in the spring and immediately after the fire, but netted 28,673


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