Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 7.djvu/312

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��Chester Alan Arthur.


��Done at the city of Washington, the twenty-second day of Septem- ber, in the year of our Lord [seal.] 1 88 1, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and sixth.

CHESTER A. ARTHUR. By the President :


Secretary of State.

President Arthur soon showed his appreciation of the responsibiUties of his new office. Knowing principles rather than persons, he subordinated individual preferences and prejudices to a well-defined public poHcy. While he was, as he always had been, a Republican, he had no sympathy for blind devotion to party ; he had " no friends to reward, no enemies to pun- ish ; " — and he has been governed by those principles of liberty and equal- ity which he inherited. His messages to Congress have been universally commended, and even unfriendly critics have pronounced them careful and well- matured documents. Their tone is more frank and direct than is custom- ary in such papers, and their recom- mendations, extensive and varied as they have been, show that he has patiently reviewed the field of labor •so sadly and so unexpectedly opened before him, and that he was not inclined to shirk the constitutional duty of aiding Congress by his suggestions and advice. An honest man, who believes in his own principles, who follows his own convictions, and who never hesitates to avow his sentiments, he has given his views in accordance with his deliberate ideas of right.

The foreign relations of the United States have been conducted by Secre- tary Frelinghuysen, under the Presi-

��dent's direction, in a friendly spirit and when practicable with a view to mutual commercial advantages. He has taken a conservative view of the management of the public debt, approv- ing all the important suggestions of the secretary of the treasury, and recogniz- ing the proper protection of American industry. He is in favor of the great interests of labor, and opposed to such tinkering: with the tariff as will make vain the toil of the industrious farmer, paralyze the arm of the sturdy me- chanic, strike down the hand of the hardy laborer, stop the spindle, hush the loom, extinguish the furnace-fires, and degrade all independent toilers to the level of the poor in other lands. The architect of his own fortune, he has a strong and abiding sympathy for those bread-winners who struggle against poverty.

The reform of the civil service has met with President Arthur's earnest support, and his messages show that every department of the government has received his careful administration. Following the example of Washington, he has personally visited several sections of the United States, and has especially made himself acquainted with the great problem of Indian civilization.

President Arthur's administration has been characterized by an elevated tone at home and abroad. All important questions have been carefully discussed at the council table, at which the Presi- dent has displayed unusual powers of analysis and comprehension. The con- flicting claims of applicants for appoint- ments to offices in his gift, have been carefully weighed, and no action has been taken until all parties interested have had a hearing. The President has a remarkable insight into men, promptly estimating character with an

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