Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 7.djvu/52

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��1728 to 1730. A copy of the portrait in the senate-chamber in the Massa- chusetts state house.

Jonathan Belcher. A copy of the painting in the rooms of the Massa- chusetts Historical Society. Governor from 1730 and 1731.

John Wentvvorth (lieut. -governor), from 171 7 to 1728. Full length, by J. Blackburn, in 1760; copy by Ulysses D. Tenney, of New Haven, Conn. Presented to the state by Mark H. Wentworth, of Portsmouth, N. H.

Benning Wentvvorth, governor from 1 741 to 1767. Full length, by J. Blackburn, in 1 760 ; copy by U. D. Tenney. Presented to the state by Mark H. ^Vent\vorth.

John Wentworth, ll. d., governor from 1767 to i775,^\vhen he withdrew. This portrait is a copy after an original by John S. Copley, and is of bust size. It was copied by U. D. Tenney. Presented to the state by Mark H. Wentworth.


John Langdon, ll. d. Original by John Trumbull ; copy by U. D. Ten- ney. Presented to the state by Alfred Langdon Elwyn, of Philadelphia, Pa. — agrandson. Mr. Langdon was speaker of the house of representatives from 1776 to 1782; senitor in congress from 1789 to 1795, and president of the same body. He was one of the most liberal and patriotic men of his time, and bore a conspicuous part in the Revolution. President in 17S5 and in 1788. Governor from 1805 to 1809, and from 1810 to 181 2.

JOHxN Sullivan, ll. d. Painted by U. D. Tenney, from an original pencil sketch by Trumbull, in i 790. Present- ed to the state by Dr. John Sullivan, of Boston, Mass. — a great-grandson. Gen. Sullivan was one of the promi- nent generals of the Revolutionary war. President in 1786, and in 1789.


John Taylor Oilman, ll. d. An original by J. Harvey Young, of Boston, Mass. Presented to the state by the

��Oilman family. Governor from 1794. to 1805, and from 1813 to 1816.

Jeremiah Smith, ll. d. Original by Alexander ; copy by Adna Tenney. Presented to the state by Hon. Jere- miah Smith, LL. D., of Dover — a son.. Gov. Smith was also chief-justice of the state from 1802 to 1809, and from 1 8 13 to 18 1 6. Presidential elector in 1S08 ; governor in 1809.

William Plumer. Original by Albert: Gallatin Hoit ; copy by Adna Tenney. Presented to the state by William Lawrence Plumer and Nathaniel Green Plumer, of Epping — grandsons. Gov. Plumer was speaker of the house of representatives in 1797, and president of the senate for the state in i8io> and 181 1, and United States senator from 1802 to 1807. Governor from 1S12 to 181 3, and from 1816 to i8ig..

Levi Woodbury, ll. d. Original by C. B. King, of Washington, D. C. ;. copy by Thomas A. Lawson, of Lowell,. Mass. Presented to the state by the children of Gov. Woodbury. Mr. Woodbury was governor in 1823;: speaker of the N. H. house of representatives in 1825 ; senator in congress from 1825 to 1S31, and from 1 84 1 to 1845 ':> secretary of the navy from 1831 to 1S34 ; secretary of the treasury from 1834 to 1841, and associate justice of the supreme court of the United States from 1845; to 1851.

John Bell. An original by U. D. Tenney, from material in possession, of the family. Presented to the state by Hon. Charles H. Bell, ll. d. — a son. Governor in 1828.

Benjamin Pierce. Original by H.. C. Pratt ; copy by Adna Tenney. Presented to the state by Col. Frank Hawthorne Pierce, of Concord — a grand-son. Governor in 1827 and in- 1829.

Samuel Dinsmoor. An original by Marchand. Presented to the state by Col. William Dinsmoor, of Keene — a- son. He was also representative in congress in 18 11 and 181 2 ; presiden- tial elector in 1820; governor from. 1831 to 1834.

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