Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 8.djvu/292

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��Concord, New Hampshire.

��large company of Presbyterians from tier, Init within the territory, of the neigh-

the north of Ireland, known in Ameri- boring Province of New Hampshire,

can history as Scotch-Irish. It was ex- They perfected their title, and very soon

pedient to have vacant lands granted to had established a prosperous settlement

them : so the governor of Massachusetts in the wilderness. Soon afterwards the

ceded a township, not only on the fron- Pigwackets, the last tribe of New Hamp-

���shire Indians, suffered severely in a batde with the colonists, and withdrew to Canada, leaving a great tract of land open for settlement.

The Puritans were distinguished for their large families ; and the older settlements, near tide- water, in the course of several generations had become crowded. The young men viewed with envy the prosperity of the Scotch-Irish new-

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