Amis and Amiloun, 39, 64, 92, 156.
Andersen, H. C, 66, 68, 144, 169.
Annamite, 8, 27 f., 49, 164, 166.
Armenian, 8, 45, 47, 56, 57, 64, 73, 74, 167, 169.
Basque | I., 19, 135, 137 f., 160. |
" | II., 19, 105 f., 108, 110 f., 156. |
Beer-Hofmann, R., 43.
Benfey, Th., 2, 44, 159, 166.
Bohemian, 11, 91, 111 f., 113 f., 147 f., 149, 161.
Brazilian, 18, 135, 137, 142, 151, 160.
Breton | I., 19, 46, 61, 65, 96, 156. |
" | II., 19, 40 f. |
" | III., 20, 77, 86 f.,91, 96, 156. |
" | IV., 20, 135, 138, 160. |
" | V., 20, 135, 138 f., 160. |
" | VI., 20, 135, 139 f., 160. |
" | VII., 20, 104, 106 f., 156. |
Brotherhood sworn on cross or sword, 57, 60, 61.
Brothers and Sisters, The, 134.
Bulgarian, 11, 46, 58, 73 f.
Calderon, 13, 92, 95 f., 109.
Catalan, 12f., 77, 80 f., 88, 116.
Chaucer, 27, 36.
Child Vowed to the Devil, The, 158.
Cicero, 26, 164.
Cosquin, E., 3, 4, 121, 123 f., 166.
Corpse buried under foundations, 164.
Danger indicated by colour of water in vial, 92 f.
Danish | I., 20 f., 41. |
" | II., 21, 41 f. |
" | III., 21, 46, 66-68, 73, 74, 144. |
Dianese, 17, 33, 35, 37 f., 109, 153 f.
Disenchantment by decapitation, 111-113
Dutz, H., 5, 59, 72.
Esthonian | I., 12, 32, 74. |
" | II., 12, 46, 58 f., 61, 64, 74, 144, 146, 170. |
Factor's Garland, 24 f., 110 f., 156.
Fair Penitent, 25, 43.
Fatal Dowry, 25, 43.
Finnish, 12, 46, 59 f., 74
Fountain of Youth, The, 119 f.
Gaelic, 19, 77, 85 f., 87, 91, 96, 105 f., 110 f., 156.
Gasconian, 17, 77. 83 f., 118.
Gerhard, Der gute, 1, 2, 76.
Ghost uneasy in grave, 32, 49, 89.
Golden Bird, The, 3, 124.
Greek, 9, 29 f., 49.
Grimm brothers, 32.
Groome, F. H,, 5.
Guillaume de Palerne, 141.
Gummere, F. B., 72.
Gypsy, 8, 45, 47 f., 56, 57, 64, 73, 74.
Harz | I., 23, 46, 69 f., 74, 144, 145 f. |
" | II., 23, 127, 132, 134, 146, 149. |
Herodotus, 163.
Hertz, W., 44.
Hippe, M., 3-5, 44, 56, 75-77, 81, 88, 118.
Holkot, Robert, 27.
Hopkins, E. W., 119 f.