Russian | IV., 9, 46, 51 f., 73, 74. |
" | V., 10, 52, 73-75. |
" | VI., 10, 52-54, 73-75. |
Scala Celi, by Gobius, 76, 82, 171.
Schaeffer, 95.
Sepp, 3.
Servian | I., 70, 77 f., 91. |
" | II., 10, 46, 55, 73, 74. |
" | III., 10, 46, 56, 73, 74, 170. |
" | IV., 10, 46, 57, 73, 74, 101. |
Servian | V., 10, 31 f., 114. |
" | VI., 11, 28, 164. |
Ship that will travel on land, 130.
Siberian, 8, 45, 48, 54, 73, 74, 167.
Sicilian, 18, 127, 130 f., 133, 134, 146, 149.
Simonides, 8, 26, 28 f., 117, 164, 167, 169.
Simrock, K. 1, 2, 76, 167.
Simrock | I., 22, 107 f., 112-114, 116, 147-149, 156. |
Simrock | II., 22, 108 f., 113, 115, 156, 160. |
Simrock | III., 22, 112 f., 114, 115, 147 f., 149, 160 f. |
Simrock | IV., 22, 50, 54, 77, 90 f. |
" | V., 22, 115 f., 160 f. |
" | VI., 23, 77, 91. |
" | VII., 23, 91, 114-116, 147-149. |
Simrock | VIII., 23, 109-111, 113, 115, 160. |
Simrock | IX., 23, 135, 140-142, 160. |
" | X., 23, 46, 68-70, 144, 145. |
Sir Amadas, 2, 23 f., 33, 37-39, 96, 153-158.
Sir Degarre, 34.
Skilful Companions, The, 125-127, 134, 147.
Souhaits Saint Martin, 158.
Spanish, 13, 77, 80 f., 86, 88, 116.
Spendthrift Knight, The, 33, 39, 153-156, 161.
Stellante Costantina, 17 f.
Stephens, Geo., 2, 43, 44, 76.
Straparola | I., 18, 77, 84, 118. |
" | II., 18, 127, 129 f., 133, 134, 146, 148 f., 152. |
Suetonius, 164.
Swan-Maiden, The, 32, 114, 171.
Swedish, 20, 77, 87 f., 89.
Test of fidelity by division of property, 93.
Test of fidelity by choice between wife and property, 34-36.
Test of friendship by apple, 55.
Tourney for hand of lady, 33-37, 93, 94, 131.
Trancoso, 14, 77, 81 f., 118.
Tree of Life, The, 120.
Trentall of St. Gregory, 40, 171.
Tuscan, 18, 135, 137 f., 142, 160.
Two Friends, The, 86, 91-97, 118, 146, 156-158, 161.
Valerias Maximus, 26 f.
Vampires, 52-54, 61, 88, 165.
Venetian, 18, 127, 130, 134, 143, 149, 151.
Walewein, 17, 49, 135, 141-143, 151, 160
Warning by ghost, 26.
Webster, W., 105.
Wilhelmi, H., 5, 38.
Wünsche, A., 119-124.