39. The Procession and Elevation of the Ceri at Gubbio. By H. M. Bower. [Published at 7s. 6d.]
40. Folk-Lore, Vol. VIII. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20S.J A. Nutt: Presidential Address, the Fairy Mythology of English Literature, its Origin and Nature. J. B. Andrews: Neapolitan Witchcraft. T. Doherty: Notes on the Peasantry of Innishowen, Co. Donegal. H. Gollancz: The History of Sindban and the Seven Wise Masters, translated from the Syriac. R. E. Dennett: Death and Burial of the Fiote. Mary H. Kingsley: The Fetish View of the Human Soul. M. J. Walhouse: Folklore Parallels and Coincidences. R. C. Maclagan: Ghost Lights of the West Highlands. W. P. Ker: Notes on Orendel and other Stories. P. Manning: Some Oxfordshire Seasonal Festivals. W. Crooke: The Binding of a God: a Study of the Basis of Idolatry.
41. Notes on the Folk-Lore of the Fjort (French Congo). By R. E. Dennett. [Publlshed at 7s. 6d.]
42. Folk-Lore, Vol. IX. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20S.J A. Nutt: Presidential Address, the Discrimination of Racial Elements in the Folklore of the British Isles. F. Sessions: Some Syrian Folklore. W. Crooke: The Wooing of Penelope. W. A. Craigie: E. T. Kristensen, a Danish Folklorist. F. H. Groome: Tobit and Jack the Giant-killer. E. S. Hartland: The " High Gods " of AustraHa. Mary C. Ffennell: The Shrew Ash in Richmond Park.
43. Catalogue of a Collection of Objects illustrating the Folklore of Mexico. With numerous illustrations. By Professor F. Starr. [Published at 7s. 6d.]
44. Folk-Lore, Vol. X. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20s.] A. Nutt: Presidential Address, Britain and Folklore. A. Lang and E. S. Hartland: Australian Gods. G. L. Gomme and A. Nutt: Ethnological Data in Folklore. W. H. D. Rouse; Folklore from the Southern Sporades; Christmas Mummers at Rugby. C. Hill-Tout: Sqaktktquaclt, the Oannes of the Ntlakapamuq. A. Goodrich-Freer: The