THE Proprietor of this Work feels highly gratified that it has afforded him an opportunity of contributing to extend those boundaries of the Art of Design which are in themselves of the greatest beauty and value: he takes no other merit but this to himself, and gratefully acknowledges how much he has been obliged to various gentlemen of refined taste,—artists of high rank, and men of established literary repute,—for the aid they have been kindly pleased to grant.
To the elegant and classical taste of Mr. Fuseli he is indebted for excellent remarks on the moral worth and picturesque dignity of the Designs that accompany this Poem. Mr. Philips is entitled to his kindest thanks, for the capitally painted Portrait of Mr. William Blake, which is here presented to the Subscribers; and to Mr. Schiavonetti he is under still greater obligations for a Series of Etchings which, it is not too much praise to say, no other artist could have executed so ably.
That he might know how far he was warranted in calling the attention of the connoisseur to what he himself imagined to be a high and original effort of genius, the Proprietor submitted the Drawings,