REVIEW OF HIS PONTIFICATE. Apostolical Letter, March 19, 1902.
Having come to the twenty-fifth year of Our Apostolic Ministry', and being astonished Ourselves at the length of the way which We have travelled amidst painful and continual cares, We are naturally inspired to hft Our thoughts to the ever-blessed God, who, with so many other favors, has deigned to accord Us a Pontificate the length of which has scarcely been surpassed in history. To the Father of all mankind, therefore ; to Him who holds in His hands the mysterious secret of fife, ascends, as an imperious need of the heart, the canticle of Our thanksgiv- ing. Assuredly the eye of man cannot pierce all the depths of the designs of God in thus prolonging Our old age be- yond the limits of hope: here We can only be silent and adore. But there is one thing which We do well understand ; namely, that as it has pleased Him, and still pleases Him, to preserve Our existence, a great duty is incumbent on Us — to five for the good and the development of His immaculate spouse, the holy Church; and far from losing courage in the midst of cares and pains, to consecrate to Him the remainder of Our strength unto Our last sigh.
After paying a just tribute of gratitude to Our heavenly Father, to whom be honor and glory for all eternity, it is most agreeable to Us to turn Our thoughts and address Our words to you, Venerable Brothers, who, called by the Holy Ghost to govern the appointed portions of the flock