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The International Theological Library

THE LATER LATIN CHURCH. By E. W. Watson, M.A., Professor of Church History, King's College, London.

THE GREEK AND ORIENTAL CHURCHES. By W. F. Adeney, D.D., Principal of Independent College, Manchester.

THE REFORMATION. By T. M. Lindsay, D.D., Principal of the United Free College, Glasgow.[2 vols. Now Ready.


SYMBOLICS. By Charles A. Briggs, D.D., D.Litt., Professor of Theological Encyclopaedia and Symbolics, Union Theological Seminary, New York.

HISTORY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. By G. P. Fisher, D.D., LL. D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. [Revised and Enlarged Edition.

CHRISTIAN INSTITUTIONS. By A. V. G. Allen, D.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Protestant Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, Mass. [Now Ready.

PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION. By Robert Flint, D.D., LL.D., sometime Professor of Divinity in the University of Edinburgh.

THE HISTORY OF RELIGIONS. By George F. Moore, D.D., LL.D., Professor in Harvard University.

APOLOGETICS. By A. B. Bruce, D.D., sometime Professor of New Testament Exegesis, Free Church College, Glasgow. [Revised and Enlarged Edition.

THE DOCTRINE OF GOD. By William N. Clarke, D.D., Professor of Systematic Theology, Hamilton Theological Seminary.

THE DOCTRINE OF MAN. By William P. Paterson, D.D., Professor of Divinity, University of Edinburgh.

THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST. By H. R. Mackintosh, Ph.D., Professor of Systematic Theology, New College, Edinburgh.

THE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE OF SALVATION. By George B. Stevens, D.D., sometime Professor of Systematic Theology, Yale University. [Now Ready.

THE DOCTRINE OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. By William Adams Brown, D.D., Professor of Systematic Theology, Union Theological Seminary, New York.

CHRISTIAN ETHICS. By Newman Smith, D.D., Pastor of Congregational Church, New Haven. [Revised and Enlarged Edition.

THE CHRISTIAN PASTOR AND THE WORKING CHURCH. By Washington Gladden, D.D., Pastor of Congregational Church, Columbus, Ohio. [Now Ready.

THE CHRISTIAN PREACHER. [Author to be announced later.

RABBINICAL LITERATURE. By S. Schechter, ALA., President of the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York City.