Page:The Greek and Eastern churches.djvu/656

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Gregory vii., Hildebrand, 248, 362.
Gregory ix., 254.
Gregory the Illuminator, 297, 540 ff.
Gundaphorus, King, 511.
Gwatkin, Professor, 43.

Hackett, 339 ff.
Hadrian, Emperor, 20.
Hadrian, Pope, 203.
Harith, 502.
Harnack, 43.
Harris, Rendel, 474,
Heber, Bishop, 531.
Hebrews, Gospel, 296, 471, 513.
Henoticon, 112, 117, 567.
Heraclius, 125 flF., 137, 573, 577.
Herzegovina, 353.
Hesychasts, 288.
Hieracles, .565.
Hillary of Poitiers, 241.
Holy Synod, Greek, 336.
Holy Synod, Russian, 425 ff.
Homeritæ, 516.
Homœans, 70, 305.
Homoiousios, 68 f.
Homoousios, 52, 75.
Honorius, Emperor, 88.
Honorius, Pope, 128.
Hosius, 2, 49, 50.
Hugh of Vermandois, 249.
Huns, 106, 223.
Hymns, Greek, 283 ff.
Hypostasis, 74.

Ibas, 118, 567.
Iberians. See Georgia.
Ibn Tulun, 594.
Iconoclastic reforms, 187 ff.
Ignatius of Antioch, 20 ff.
Ignatius Patriarch, 209, 234.
Image worship. Restoration of, 201 ff.
Incarnation, 105.
India, 512 ff.
Innocent in., 252, 287.
Irene the Athenian, 203 ff.
Isaac, Emperor, 253.
Isho-yahbh, 489.
Isidore, 389 ff.
Isyaslaff, 372.

Jacob al Bardai, 500 ff., 568.
Jacob of Edessa, 507 ff.
Jacobites, 93, 172, 500 ff.
James of Nisibis, 300.
Janissaries, 310 ff.
Jassy, 412.
Jerome, 148.
Jerusalem, Kingdom of, 251 ff.
Jesu-Jabus, 494.

Jesuits, 430, 533, 624.
Job, Patriarch, 406.
John, Catanierus, 258.
John, Chrysostom, 89 ff.
John, Chrysostom, Liturgy, 276.
John, Maracumensis, 545.
John, Moschus, 585.
John, v., Pope, 265.
John, of Antioch, 257.
John, of Asia, or Ephesus, 503, 506 f.
John, of Damascus, 211, 284.
John, of Persia, 49, 516.
John, Prester, 535 ff., 621,
John, Semnudæus, 588,
John, Talai, 570.
John, the Almoner, 574.
John, the Faster, 140.
John, the Grammarian, 207 ff.
Jordanus, 521.
Joseph, Patriarch, 262, 266.
Jovian, Emperor, 65.
Julian, Emperor, 61 ff.
Julian, of Halicarnassus, 120, 568.
"Jumpers," The, 499 ff.
Justin, Emperor, 117.
Justinian, Emperor, 117 ff,, 139, 181.
Justinian ii., 220, 341.

Kalmata, Thanksgiving, 332.
Kenosis, 97, 103.
Key of Truth, 216 ff.
Khalid, 164, 168.
Kiev, 358, 364.
Klysty, The, 450.
Kufa, 171.
Kullman, 452.
Labarum, The, 10, 35 f., 65.
Laplanders, 383.
Latin Empire at Constantinople, 254.
Latrocinialis. See "Robber Council."
Law, Roman, 29, 123.
Layard, 496.
Lazarus, the Painter, 208.
Learning and literature, 279.
Legislation, Effect of Christianity on, 40.
Leo i., Emperor, 107.
Leo ii., Emperor, 110.
Leo iii., Emperor, the Isaurian, 189 ff.
Leo iv., the Armenian, 204 ff.
Leo i., Pope, 99 ff., 111, 234.
Leo iii., Pope, 294.
Leo ix., Pope, 240.
Leo Stypiota, Patriarch, 228.
Libanius, 72.
Licinius, 34.
Lithuania, 373, 388.