Page:The Greek and Eastern churches.djvu/659

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Semi-Arians, 65, 68 ff.
Senuti, 564 ff.
Separation, Causes of, 291 ff.
Serapeum, 87.
Seraphim, 437.
Serapion, 463.
Serenus of Marseilles, 191.
Serfs, Emancipation of, 438.
Sergius of Constantinople, 125 ff., 167.
Sergius the Paulician, 221.
Servia, 351 ff.
Severus of Antioch, 115.
Siberia, 411.
Silentium, 196.
Silvanus, the Paulician, 219.
Simeon of Thessalonica, 282.
Simeon the Stylite, 155 f.
Simony, 597. 609 if.
Singanfu tablet, 534 f.
Skopsty, The, 451.
Skrcejál, The, 417.
Slonjebuik, The, 417.
Societies for Biblical Study, 337 f.
Societies for Circulation of Scriptures, 338.
Solovetsky Monastery, 383.
Sophia, St., 181 ff.
Sophronius, 126, 170, 585.
Soudan, The, 620.
Spiritual Pastures, 585.
Stanley, Dean, 174.
Staro-Obriadsti. See Raskolniks.
Staro-viëry.See Raskolniks.
Stephen of Chartres, 249.
Stephen of Dore, 128.
Stephen the younger, 199.
Stoglat, The, 399.
Streltsi, Revolt of, 423.
Stadium, 212.
Stundists, 456 ff.
Stylites, 153.
Sudebuik, The, 398.
Symmachus, 87.
Synod, Lateran, 130, 143.
Synod of Aix la Chapelle, 82.
Synod of Antioch, 240.
Synod of Babaeus, 482.
Synod of Basle, 266.
Synod of Bethlehem, 321.
Synod of Carana, 545.
Synod of Clermont, 248.
Synod of Constantinople, 82, 119, 198.
Synod of Diamper, 519, 529.
Synod of Florence, 266 ff., 390, 611.
Synod of Jassy, 321, 412.
Synod of Manaschiertuni, 546.

Synod of Moscow, 406.
Synod Philippopolis, 60.
Synod of Rimini, 82.
Synod of Sardica, 60, 344 ff.
Synod of Sirmium, 82.
Synod of the Oak, 91.
Synod of Tiben, 544.
Synod of Toledo, 239.
Synod of Tyre, 239.
Synod the Holy, 419 ff.
Syria, 99.
Syrian Christianity, 459 ff.
Syrian Christianity in India, 297. 517 ff.
Syropulus, 266.

"Tall Brothers," 91.
Tancred, 249.
Tarasius, 203.
Tartary, 535.
Tatian, 149, 464.
Thaddseus, 293.
Theocristus, 285.
Theodora, 118 ff., 500.
Theodore Graptus, 209.
Theodore of Mopsuestia, 94, 118 479.
Theodore of Studium, 209 ff.
Theodoret, 118, 567.
Theodoric, 307.
Theodosians, 449.
Theodosius the Great, 77, 85.
Theodosius ii., 96.
Theodota, 205.
Theodotus Mellisenus, 208.
Theophanes, 196, 279, 284.
Theophilus and the Goths, 304.
Theophilus Arian, 618.
Theophilus of Alexandria, 91.
Theophilus of Scythia, 49.
Theophilus the Indian, 516.
Theophylact, 281.
"Theotokos," The, 10, 96, 105.
Therapeutæ, 152.
Thomas, 295.
Thomas, Acts of, 297, 474, 511 540 ff.
Thomas, of Marga, 484 ff.
Thouraki, 217.
"Three Chapters," 118, 567.
Tiben, 545.
Timothy Ælurus, 106 ff., 566.
Timothy Salofaciolus, 108, 566.
Timour, 269.
Togrul, 244.
Tolstoi, Count, 458.
"Tome," Leo's, 100 f., 112, 232.
Tonsure, Deathbed, 370.
Travancore, 515 ff.