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The International Critical Commentary VOLUMES NOW READY Numbers. By the Rev. G. Buchanan Gray, D.D., Professor of Hebrew, Mansfield College, Oxford. " Most Bible readers have the impression that ' Numbers ' is a dull book only relieved by the brilliancy of the Balaam chapters and some snatches of old Hebrew songs, but, as Prof. Gray shows with admirable skill and insight, its historical and religious value is not that which lies on the surface. Prof. Gray's Commentary is distinguished by fine scholarship and sanity of judgm.ent; it is impossible to commend it too warmly." — Saturday Review (London). Crown 8vo. $3.00 net. Deuteronomy. By the Rev. S. R. driver, D.D., D.Litt., Regius Professor of Hebrew, and Canon of Christ Church, Oxford. " It is a pleasure to see at last a really critical Old Testament com- mentary in English upon a portion of the Pentateuch, and especially one of such merit. This I find superior to any other Commentary in any language upon Deuteronomy." Professor E. L. Curtis, of Yale University. Crown 8vo. $3.00 net. Judges. By Rev. George Foot Moore, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Theology in Harvard University. " The work is done in an atmosphere of scholarly interest and in- difference to dogmatism and controversy, which is at least refreshing. ... It is a noble introduction to the moral forces, ideas and influences that controlled the period of the Judges, and a model of what a historical commentary, with a practical end in view, should be." — The Independent. Crown 8vo. $3.00 net. The Books of Samuel. By Rev. Henry preserved smith, D.D., Professor of Old Testament Literature and History of Religion, Meadville, Pa. " Professor Smith's Commentary will for some time be the standard work on Samuel, and we heartily congratulate him on scholarly work so faithfully accomplished." — The Athenceiim. Crown 8vo. $3.00 net.