Page:The Green Overcoat.djvu/181

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"And I don't know the hour," said Higginson, still hesitating.

"But I do," said Babcock. "It 's half-past five. Listen, Higginson, and don't be a fool. That 's how men are made in this country. Do as I tell you."

Professor Higginson, wondering vaguely how he could be "made," and what happened when a man was so dealt with by those that govern us, took a sheet of the University paper, and wrote out carefully that horribly familiar note. He hesitated at the superscription.

"What is he?" he asked.

"Who?" said Babcock.

"Why, this Mr. ——, this something Barclay."

"You 've got it there, you fool," said Babcock without courtesy. "Leonard Barclay, Leonard Barclay, Esq. Simple enough, isn't it? "

"I thought," murmured Professor Higginson, "I didn't know—er it was possible that he might have had a——"

"Father?" blurted out Babcock. "Not that I know of. No one knows where he comes from, 'xcept Mrs. Camp, and she comes from Chicago."